
iconnect designs websites for small and medium sized businesses.

Iconnect is a wholly New Zealand owned company and we have been building websites in West Auckland since 1999. We offer a personalized service to our customers.

We build websites to suit your needs, be it html based websites or content management websites like wordpress or joomla. Our websites are designed responsively to be viewed on both laptops and mobile phones. We also design html emails for connecting with your customers, and facebook pages to boost your web presence.

Call us on 098322436 or 021-2137993 for a no obligation appointment or quote.

“Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as to the Lord, and not to men.” – Colossians 3:23


Please contact James at:

6 Queen Natalie Place, Royal Heights, Auckland, New Zealand
PO Box 79375, Royal Heights, Auckland 0656
p: 09-8322436
m: 021-2137993
e: jamesgan@iconnect.co.nz